I'm still here.
Long time no write.
Went to Aldershot last week and you're probably thinking why, am I correct?
It was a day out to find where it is I will need to go and stay in January to do a training course. And no it's not to learn how to become a brickie!
Armed with a print out of Aldershot obtained from the AA's web site I got off the train, found my bearings, oriented the map and set off in the right direction (rare for me) and after 10 min walking I came to the first of several annoying little omissions on the map. A road that I needed to take had a barrier across it. Not the sort that you raise or lower to stop traffic, no, that would be too simple. No, this barrier was 18 foot high if it was an inch, all chain-link and razor wire with added razor wire on top. Drat, and double drat!!
Check the map, find alternative route, good and off I go. 5 mins later I come across another similar barrier to my progress, ho hum.
So in a philosophical mood I check the map, find alternate route and off I go. A few minutes later I am confronted with a very familiar sight, yes you guessed it, 18' of variously shaped bits of metal put together in a sort of fence like theme, I sense a pattern emerging and a feeling comes over me that tells me my map is a load of pants.
In the end I ended up going off the side of the map in an attempt to find a road that would swing back the way I needed it and would take me where I needed to be, I did find one but I feel it was more luck than jugement.
So what did I learn from all this?
- Aldershot has these blocked off roads as it is one big army base with a train station
- I will be living in barracks for the duration of my course(all the hotels are in the center of town miles from where I want to be).
- The AA have a lot to answer for (GITS!!)
The mouse on this computer is set to an annoyingly sensitive level (it's in an internet cafe) I think it's a ploy to have you wasting time chasing the pointer all over the bloody screen so you spend more time doing less, and to raise the low level anger and bitterness we all get throughout the day and which tarnishes the soul by making us really p####d off.
that's a very unhealthy obsession you have about writing complete crap that no one cares about that you have there, I wouldn't mind but it's not even remotely interesting.
Very true Brian
I care, Ed. And I find it interesting. I've picked up lots of new and exciting vocabulary here!
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