Tuesday, April 01, 2008


I got sent these pics from Ash by phone.

So here you are, I hope my knitty chums like them.

This next pic I took using my new phone on the way to the trampoline event in Hull this weekend gone...
Ahh, England in the spring.

Nephew came around with his xbox 360 yesterday and we used it to watch the latest Harry Potter film that he had downloaded from the xbox live thingie.


The film was ok, almost (but not quite ) as good as the book, they seldom are.
But the picture quality, flippin' 'eck!
The first time I have used my 50" HD plasma to view a HD movie, WOW!

Now do I get a Blue ray player or and xbox360?

Decisions decisions.


Anonymous said...


Glad you liked the woolieness.

But to answer your HD question. There is only one real answer.

PS3. Hate to say it but it's the best solution. HD DVD bit the dust last month so the xbox360's HD player is defunct, actual blue-ray dvd players cost a mint and the PS3 allows you to play games, gameing online is growing like the xbox live system and it has a Blue Ray dvd player built in all for less than a standard Blue-ray player.

Plus Gran Turismo will be the greatest racing game ever developed. Go check out the demo game that is being release prior to the main game.


Sorry to all readers for getting all game nerdy. lol.


Anonymous said...

You fellas are fantastic! All those yarn pictures! I have a completely benign, transatlantic crush on you both.

I sometimes wish we hadn't fallen under the spell of the wii. There are so many games I'd rather have for my kids on the xbox. Ah well.

Anonymous said...

And by "crush" I mean I think you're sweet for taking pictures of yarn.
Sorry, T! Sorry, Ash's romantic interest if there is one! No harm meant!

Anonymous said...

No Harm No Foul.

I'm just happy to spread some wooly love...

...is it just me or does that sound very wrong lol.


Bezzie said...

Ha ha, you're getting yarn pictures from field reporters now! Love it!

Ed said...

My spies are everywhere.