Tuesday, October 03, 2006

a bit of a breeze

There was a spot of inclement weather the other day, as you can see. Surely somebody must have thought that putting up the huge sail, sorry advertising/privacy screen, on a flimsy fence held down with wishful thinking and a few tie-wraps, was a bit of a bad idea especially as we're now heading into our much delayed winter, you know wind and rain and some more wind, ho hum.

I know it was possible for the rest of the fence to be blown down (on top of me) but I had to see what it was like, sad I know.

This ECDL thing, well, what can I say that wont insult the instructor more than our intelligence. The only time I've had to engage my grey matter in this last week and a bit was late this morning just before lunch as we started doing MS Access. I've not used access before, but even so the old noodle is barely ticking over.
I'll have to come back and do the advanced course and see if that is any more challenging, got to dash as it's mind taxing time again.



OLPP said...

Oh hurrah, Access. I don't know, does anyone use it anymore?

And I'm happy to read that you escaped the Fenec Calamity.

OLPP said...

I meant FENCE calamity. Sheesh.