Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Lunacy at tea time...

Hello chums.

It's been a while since I last left something for you all to enjoy, the reason is that I have the attention span of a four year old who just eats blue smarties and drinks only jolt. The upshot of this is that when I do go on line I either trawl the blogs (because there are a lot of "interesting" peeps out there), then there is the odd bit of online shopping to be done ( the last thing I got was a years subscription to the cartoon network!? I miss the Ed's) and finally I've discovered online radio and television from all over the world (that was an eye opener and no mistake!)

But now to get to the reason I was forced to end the drought and actually write something.

It comes in the form of a very stern warning!!




I clapped eyes on this little gem while shopping in the local Asda, read the label and thought to myself, "yeah, right!".

It's been my experience that labels on tins that claim to be hot are just hot air and wishful thinking on the part of the company who made whatever is in said tin, so I snagged me a tin of the chili and thought that'll do for when I can't be arsed to cook. I'll just pop that in a pan heat it up and have it with a couple of slices of wholemeal as dippers, job's a good'n.

A plan with no drawbacks. You can be forgiven for thinking that, because you're not in a self induced chili HELL!

It burns! IT BURRRNSSS!!!

I can feel it dropping thru me like a hot knife through soft butter. It burns (and not in a god way) when I burp, which I find myself doing even more of than normally.

It was so hot that I (thankfully) couldn't finish it and as you can see in the next photo I needed more than my normal 1 sheet of kitchen towel...

... actually there should by rights be another damp ball of tissue in the pic, but I used that one after I took this pic.

Those that know me will tell you that I can handle hot spicy food and that I make one of the best chillies that you would ever likely have. But what came out of that tin was nasty volcanic, bowel rending,arse shredding chili death. I could feel the blood pounding in my left ear as my BP shot off the chart and I found myself thinking that if I was foolish enough to try and finish this muck, then there was a fair chance that I would stroke before the final mouthful. I am NEVER EVER, EVER, GOING TO DO SOMETHING AS STUPID AS THAT FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE!

and this time I mean it.


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be easier to eat chili out of a bowl?

Ed said...

I had it with a wee bit of rice.