Friday, July 20, 2007

Train journey

Today, nephew and I go on a trip to lil sis's place, it's way back in the 17th century. O.K. that wasn't completely true, but it may as well be. She lives in Dorset you see and there is very little street lighting or mobile phone connectivity in the area where we're travelling to. I'm hoping to get there in time for last orders so that I can have a drink with the family on my birthday.

The weather, which of late had improved somewhat, has turned it's usual rainy self and the MET office has issued a severe weather warning for Dorset, I just hope it's only for today as lil sis gets hitched tomorrow.

All that's left for me to do before I go is to do the dishes from yesterday, feed nephew when he arrives ( then do more dishes), and get over to the train station in good time. We have seat reservations, but they're in different carriages (thanks to big sis for getting the tickets). So the plan is for nephew and I to get to the station toot sweet, get to the head of the q, and get to the train first then find a couple of unreserved table seats. A plan with no drawbacks.
We're both travelling light, just a phone, a PSP (plus charger) and a toothbrush each and in my case an electric razor so that I can give my scalp and cheeks a rub over tomorrow morning. Never wet shave on the morning of important events as drying blood never looks good on ones face when in a suit.

See you all soon.



Anonymous said...

My sympathies ... But happy birthday nonetheless. Hope you got there eventually ...

Anonymous said...


Also, fabulous use of "toot sweet!" You're far too precious.

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns, Ed!
And, I hope the weather leaves l'il sis' nuptials alone.

The bastard child of Gene Hunt said...

Happy Birthday mate. Hope the rain stayed off!

Ed said...

It pissed down non stop I've just got back at 00:45 not happy having a big night cap. will blog in a day or two. Once I've dried out.