Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blog stalker #3- How do I get about...

This wont take long, trust me.

I mostly get about on these....
but sometimes I use one of these...

and every once in a while, when I need to travel hundreds of miles, this is how I get there...

If it's raining and I need to do a big shop then I make a phone call and beckon one of these...

but if it's not raining and I want to go somewhere local, I sometimes resort to this...

but of late it has started to feel like one of these...

But mostly I get from A to B on these...

Now playing on Windows Media Player: arctic monkeys - a certain romance
via FoxyTunes


Jo said...

I miss taking the train - I used to travel by train all the time when I lived in Japan.

Ed said...

I think I'd miss the train if I used to live in Japan too.
Over here, what you find is this.
An 8 carriage train made up like this, 4 first class and 4 standard class carriages. In first class will usually be about 5 people (that includes the three staff) in total. In standard class you usually find about 400 people trying to fit into a space designed for 2oo and that's allowing for luggage, bikes, prams and barking dogs.
We should scrap first class for being the last bit of an out moded system.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd miss Japan as a whole.

Ed, you have lovely, clean feet.

Ed said...

oh no i don't