Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cap'n Wii canne take much more...

Looking for a monopod and stumbled across this...

Star Trek on the Wii, two of my favourite things.

The question is, how long can I hold out. Not, should I or should I not get this.

As the Borg say, "Resistance is futile".

Watch this if you're a fan, made me smile loads.


Anonymous said...


that game looks great, I'm actually thinking about getting a Wii for this alone....well this and the Star Wars lego game seeing as I just saw a light-sabre attachment for the wiimote.

Hope all is groovy fella. I"m off up North Friday afternoon, going to see the family.

Take it easy.


Ed said...

How did the trip to the grim north go?
Oh and I pre-ordered the Star Trek game for the Wii.

Resistance is futile

Anonymous said...

I will be assimilated.

The North was fine, plenty of greyness, flat caps and whippets.
