Thursday, November 29, 2007

...something something DARK SIDE something somehing

Hi, I am speaking to you from my new computer *labored intake of breath* it's a MAC notebook pro.

 I'm in the middle of exploring it, oh how cool is that, the keyboard just light up, fab.
Ash has helped me lots already and will be doing more sterling service in the future no doubt.

It's true what the adverts say about the mac it does "just work" with the exception of 17 updates there was no tedious set up routine like there is with windows (may Bill rot). The ease of initial use could be due to the fact that it was pre-owned, some old geezer had it for a week but stuffed the credit for it, so they took it back to the shop.
Into the shop walks I, up to the mac section I go and pointing to my new toy I said " I want that one", think Little Britain.
Normally if I go thru the apple section I feel like a pilgrim in an unholy land, not this time.
It felt dirty but in a good way.

I pugged in my microsoft wifi mouse and it just worked, no need to install it, there wasn't even a delay, in and done.

I love the power lead, the little but powerful magnet connector, how many times have I needed that in the past, lots.

Did I mention I got 5% off due to it being pre-owned? no? Well I did.
But do you know what's better? Go on guess.

Give up?

I'll tell you.
Installed on the computer was microsoft office for mac, worth four effin hundred bleedin' pounds.
And I got it for free.

The sound out of the built in speakers is amazing (except at the mo the spice girls are on) very rich with a nice bass line.

Just a couple of niggles.
Certain keys are not where they should be and the del key is A.W.O.L.
It has a Fn key so what does the apple and clover leaf do? I haven't been brave enough to press it yet incase the machine disappears in a puff of smoke and coloured lights.
Oh and it seems to be set on the US lexicon, not for much longer.
Here's how I know, I spell colour like that, the new machine insists it is incorrect and that if I want to make the red squiggly line go away I should omit the U, a very minor niggle.

Ash said that once I owned a Mac I would have joined the elite of computer users. I don't think thats true.

Anyway I'm off

Goodbye, peasants.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the darkside! mwah ha ha (evil laugh)

Apple ownership is like drug toys come out like the iphone, you'll complain that they are too expensive, but the addiction means you have to own one eventually.

Enjoy the new toy mate, if nothing else you'll have a new shiny toy to play and learn with. And you can put on your CV that you are Mac and Windows compliant so can cross platform. woo hoo.


Ed said...


If news gets out that I can use TWO platforms, they'll be asking my to design a better mouse trap.

And can I just say that this glowing keyboard is doing not just the job BUT an efin' good job, I love it.

How did I ever get by without a MAC?

Bezzie said...

I refuse to let Steve Jobs into my household. David Icke's a Brit and I'm convinced that Steve Jobs is one of the lizards Icke speaks of. Bill's probably not any better, but he's not as blatant as Steve-o in his plan for world domination thru the pushing of light up keyboards and kicky i-everythings in 32 different colors each.

Ed said...

Wo. Down girl.

Who's Steve Jobs?