Unless you're the pope, budah or some other holy waste of space, you don't swear.
Now that's good, right and proper.
If however you're mortal and secular you like a bit of emotion in the songs you listen to, I know I do.
So what was wrong with the parental guidance warning on a CD or (and now we get to the root of this rant) iTunes playlist ?
I've just seen a Sex Pistols album for sale on iTunes with the banner "CLEAN LYRICS", W.T.FUCK!
Look, the only way an impressionable youngster could get the album I was looking at would be a combination of:-
- EXTREME luck
- Poor parental care
- Access to mum and dad's record collection and a desire to have it on a format that can be played on modern equipment.
- (Because smoking is no longer cool) Being told about it behind the bike sheds during playtime
- Satanic intervention
There are times when only the true meaning of a song will do and I think that Apple are rather missing the fucking point, when they will sell an album by a group called the "SEX PISTOLS" yet bleep the naughty words out, it's like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. There are large swathes of America where words like 'sex', 'fondle' and 'evolution' will get you shunned from polite society or in extreme cases have you shot through the lungs.
So why can't we have some mild profanity (mild by today's standards) in some cherrished songs from our teenage years.
By all means protect the innocent or young from bad language but when it comes to selling me music on a credit card (most kids don't have a credit card) then I fucking expect the bloody bad language that some twats sang about almost thirty arseing years ago.
I hear the fireworks.
Happy new year to you all.
Rant over.
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