Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas day

Merry Christmas to you all.

If you're not of the Christian faith then Merry Christmas.

If you're politicly correct then Merry Christmas.

And to paraphrase the Irish comedian Dave Allen...

"May whatever god you believe in go with you."

Chin Chin


Jo said...

Merry Christmas, Ed!

Anonymous said...

Happy Generic Winter Solstice to you to mate.

Oh, I am now wireless and have a mac laptop...although nowhere near as new and shiny as yours. Mine is the 13" white iBook...its a few years old (I bought it from a designer friend) but now I can sit and surf in my living room and use my imac upstairs to hold all my mp3's and stuff.

Also, I'm glad you decided to download a mouse, I hope you enjoy it...I'm hoping to make some more box toys soon too.


Ed said...

Hooray for wireless!