Thursday, June 28, 2007

Kitchen (the saga continues...)

Sparky has been and gone. The unit lights are now fitted all my wall sockets have been renewed and repositioned and he's filled the holes he made with plaster so the tiler has a clean shot at the wall when he gets here. It's just as well that sparky is a sparky as I could do better plastering and my last lot fell off the wall after 15 mins.

The counter tops get replaced tomorrow because the part by the sink is a completely different shade and wasn't noticed by the fitter, I had to point it out to him the next day. I hope that the extraction hood cover has arrived at the shop, if it has then that 'll probably get fitted tomorrow too. It's all getting there, also got a new bread bin this afternoon, but it doesn't quite match the tea, coffee, sugar and biscuit jars but it's close enough. But every flat surface in the house has a thick strata of dust, plaster dust, sawdust and finally some more plaster dust, I'm determined not to clean up until the kitchen is done. I know what some of you are thinking and I don't care, so there.

Nephew came around for the day yesterday, to keep his mad uncle company. We stayed indoors all day (well I'm not leaving sparky on his own) and with the curtains in the front room closed, the sunlight was streaming in, reflecting of the tv and blinding nephew. Really it was because he didn't want to be seen by passers by waving his arms around like some demented fool while we played on the Wii. I whupped him good and proper on Far Cry and Red Steel (Hurrah!), for someone a lot younger than I and more used to modern games and controllers he sucked big time. But to be fair he gave me a golf lesson later when we cracked open the Wii Sports box (Huroo).
We had chippy food for lunch. I had chips, sausage and curry sauce (yum). Nephew had chips, battered fish and curry sauce. We both enjoyed it, but for the rest of the afternoon and late into the night, the grease fest that I had consumed was busy liberating vast quantities gas (burp gas). I was in agony, bloated and feeling as tight as a drum, if I burped once I burped a thousand times and not my usual discreet ones either, it sounded like a foggy day on a busy river Mersey. Long drawn out stomach exhalations of biblical proportions, I'm knackered! I was up all night. Next time we get pizza from pappa Johns (my on line account is now set up).
While I was in gas hell nephew and myself watched the one and only set by Tim Henman that day, it's Wimbledon therefore it persists down, tennis go bye bye. On with the Wii. And this is where I get my golf lesson, git.

This post is brought to you from my laptop in the dining room, it's been sulking for the last few days and refused to log onto the wireless network, even though it could see it and see it well. I think my devices do this to me deliberately so that I don't get complacent and take them for granted. It's daft, I turned this one on and while I sat there drinking a mug of coffee and chatting to sparky, the computer said there was no network (as it has been for days) and then all of a sudden, the dialogue bubble appears and tells me that I'm now connected, deep joy.

Just watched the swallows out in the back garden for a bit, it's like they're constantly racing each other, up and down the length of the road and back. They seem a lot more active when it's windy, when they don't so much fly as get blown about with style. And I swear, that if you stand still the little sods use you as some sort of way point and swoop down low over your head.

You MUST see this, I want, no! I NEED THIS.
Cheers Ash.

Ah! Oh, dear me. Excuse me I've just arrived.


Anonymous said...

I knew you'd like that gadget.

Do you do much Wii boxing? Apparently its a great work out.

And looking forward to seeing the pics of your finished kitchen.

s'later fella


Ed said...

Not as much as I should, I'll have to set aside some time each day and do more. But aren't computer games meant to be fun?!

Pics of kitchen will be delayed a while longer, the men took away the old two tone one the company fitted the other day, but the fitter didn't turn up for work to day so at the mo I have no counter tops, sink, cooker or hob.
They still reckon that all will be finished and ready for the tiler by Monday. HA!