Tuesday, June 19, 2007

On the orogin of silly beards by means of unatural selection...

...or the preservation of favoured faces in the struggle for colour.

You know the other day I said I'd gone blonde? Well now I've gone reddy purple.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!
Firstly just getting to a very light blonde/ginger was two skin blistering applications of hair bleach. I really should have stopped there, I really should have as I now have two weeping stripped blisters on my face, luckily they're both hidden among the bristles and are invisible to the casual observer, just as well really as I'm sure they would make horses bolt, women to faint and children to have nightmares.
The madness doesn't stop there, oh no. My thinking (and I use the term loosely), was that the bleaching was going to be the worst part of it, it's a harsh process and I was prepared for some discomfort. Some discomfort, not the amount that I actually got, but where there's no sense....
Anyhow, the dye. Ah yes the dye, the easy, gentle part of my transformation into "oddball with purple goatee".
Good gods, that was dumb! Really, really dumb!
I was meticulous about the time the gel mix was to stay on, 40 mins, and as soon as the timmer rang I was already at the full sink with some soap and plenty of water. I have the white towel that the dye box suggests that you have so as to see that all excess dye is out.
Three rinses later and the water runs clear from my beard on the fourth rinse, so white towel to the fore and I start to dry off in front of the mirror. The beard is nearly dry so I decide to stop towelling it dry and comb the knots out of it. Hmmm, what's these white bits? Bits of towel? Ah no, they're bits of rubber?! Where di... Hang on!! it's SKIN! Arse biscuits.
Half a tube of Tea tree and Witch hazel, applied to the face and I find some comfort from the burning irritation I feel. I'll have to go out later to get the continent sized tube a bit later.
If I can I'd like to keep the beard but if I have to I'll shave off and see if it helps any.

Got to finish here as the kitcen guys have just turned up, local time now-10:34



Anonymous said...

ouch, I know your pain.

You've seen the numerous colour my hair has been over the years and yep, sometimes certian brands of dye and bleech can itch like being eaten alive by giant ants.

At least you weren't dying your pubic hair and suffered blistering...or were you and this is all a cunning subdifugue?

Are you visiting the Southcoast soon as you hinted at some time back?

later fella

Anonymous said...

Ed, here in the States we have available to us something called Just For Men, and it is indeed a beard dyeing kit. I've never used it, nor do I know anyone who has, but it can't be that bad because you know how litigious a society we are. Something that caused pain and blistering wouldn't be allowed in stores. Do you want I should send you some?

Ed said...

Hi Ash, if I wanted a colourful lower region I'd get a mirkin. I mean we all know that hair care products will tingle a little so you would have to be either more stupid than even me or be a bigger pervert than the bishop of Bath and Wells. Hope to get down either next month or early august.

I've got the just for men stuff for beards and it works, a little too well if the truth be told, it turned my greying beard jet black instead of the natural brown. I looked like my evil twin. I'll use it again when this dye washes out.

Bye now.

Ed said...

can anyone tell me what Rodrigo said please, it could be very important. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Rodrigo says Hi, I found your blog via google and read this interesting post. If you have a moment, come visit my blog (and then it's something about personalizing shirts). Portuguese!

Ed said...

Thank you, you angel.
I did visit the links, and they did seem to be putting stuff on cotton, in what I now find to be, Portugese!? thank you.
Why don't peeps use the Babel fish?

Again, Cheers.

Anonymous said...

I once spent Thanksgiving in Portugal singing "Linger" by the Cranberries to a hotel basement bar full of French businessmen. THAT is a true story.

Ed said...

Peoples pasts are indeed stranger and more interesting than fiction.

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

I once danced semi-topless on a table in a bar to Come On, Eileen. It was '80s Night.

Do you have Manic Panic hair dye over yonder? I'll send you some if you like. Just because I love the way you say Arse Biscuits.

Ed said...

Cheers PK. I'm still waiting for the stuff I ordered from Connections.