Sunday, December 16, 2007

I love my MacBook Pro, but...

Ash, dude you need to do this test.

I was honest in every answer and still scored higher than I thought I would.

28%How Addicted to Apple Are You?

Looking for payday loan?

Then I lied my ass off and got 98%


Anonymous said...

76%...I feel ashamed of myself...I'll be going home and beating myself with a rose bush tonight to purge this sin.

Actually I think my downfall came becasue I plan on owning stuff but don't actually own it yet, such as Leopard software (well I need a mac new enough to cope with the power fo Leopard first) and an iphone will be mine but I'm waiting for my curent phone contract to expire.

Good Quiz though. Cheers


Bezzie said...

Give it time for Steve's mind-rays coming through the screen to convert you to 100%!

Ed said...

Never gonna happen. PC was here first, besides, you can't play Oblivion on the mac (unless you're a smarty pants and have windows on it)
Plus I miss the 'Del' key and I'm still having trouble with the @ sign being in the wrong place.