Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Phew, that was a relief. That boil turned out just to be a little pimple, I was looking at it with the shaving mirror instead of a normal one. Duhhh!

Bin day tomorrow (today/later) it being oo:55 hrs. So it looks like I'll be pulling another all nighter, those that know me will know why that might be, it's just so silly/odd that I'm in two minds (sing- "if only you had half a mind") whether or not to write it here.

Oh hell I may as well tell, it's not like I'm gonna get any kip anyway.

Are you sitting comfy, then I'll begin.

Once upon a time in the grim north of England, where it always rains even if the south is in drought, if you can believe such a thing, lived a man who worked very hard, but had to work hard down south where the sun shines all day long and where the jobs are.

Because he worked so very hard he didn't always come home, but when he did he generated trash just like everybody in the whole wide world, this trash built up in the bin little by little, over the weekends that he did come home, which where few.

But the bin men didn't come to empty the bins at the weekends and so the trash built up to almost health hazard proportions, well the kindly people that the man worked for let the man take holidays at certain times of the year, but when all put together came to six weeks at home. six weeks, six opportunities to get his bin emptied sometimes only five or four opportunities if bin day fell on a bank holiday.

So the man is sad and is scared he may sleep in one morning and miss these surprisingly early to rise binmen, so he stays awake all night to make sure he can put the bin out in time for these rapid binmen. There ends the story of the hardworking man, his full bin and the council that allow him to pay a fortune in council tax each year so that he may have his bin emptied 4 or 5 times a year.

Good night children, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.

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