Saturday, December 01, 2007

Mans knitting.

You may remember some time ago that I said I'd never take up the needles...

I hope to have this jumper done by April.

I wonder what size these are?


Anonymous said...

Is that you? You are SO awesome, knitting and all with size 300 needles! Jesu Cristi, man! Wherever did you find that? You are my favorite Brit man. Besides Morrissey. And Clive Owen. Oh my god, Clive Owen. Need a moment, bye!

Anonymous said...

LOL Awesome! Might need a few more stitches though ...

Is that Ferries Blue?

Next door

Eryn said...


lmao - You rock, Ed.

Ed said...

Yes it's me. The "needles" are boat hooks without the hook fitted, the pic was taken at the local sea cadet unit, the unit I used to go to before I joined the RN and which I am now the engineer (replacing an asshole*).
I.m going back, but in a civillian capacity, I feel I have worn uniform for most of my life, not any more.

Why yes it is ferries blue.

*the guy is a crook, a bad debt, a scrounger, a loafer, probably strangles kittens, AND he sold me a hard drive that he knew to be broken (fucker). And he worrked with kids, well not any more. As much as I dislike kids, I think I'm the better choice, I could be wrong tho'.

Jo said...

Yay, Ed!

(I think you may need a bit more wool as well...)

Anonymous said...

With needles that big you'll have your jumper done in no time!

You Rock Ed!

And you're damn cute too.

Ed said...


Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...