Friday, August 11, 2006

Don't Americans do the stupidest things!!!

Hi it's me again, just been on the google film slot, well what can I say. Ahemm, with the exception of one German kid having a Bazzie...

The rest of you people in the most powerful country on this ball of mud, need an IQ injection

Gods are you people stupid or what!?

There endeth the lesson!




Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

What's a Bazzie?

OLPP said...

PK, I was JUST about to ask that again and snippily point out that my previous request for a definition has been ignored.

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

Alas, we are ignorant Americans. And apparently we shall remain so.

Ed said...

reading back thru' this i feel dreadful.
i am sorry to olpp and pk, the rest nahh!