Saturday, August 12, 2006


Hello chums, this is just to let my vast readership know that I'm going back to work tomorrow and as such this blog will probably be updated about twice a week, maybe only once a week for the next few months. But I promise to answer any comments left on this blog when I do log on, cheers.

Chin, chin.


OLPP said...

Didn't you mean to say "I'll be busy working and honing my knitting skills just to prove I can"?

Dear Ed's Vast Readership-
Ed will be busy working and honing his knitting skills. He promises to upload photos (because, really, he takes some nice ones!) on a weekly basis.
Thank you.
-The Nicest Gal

Ed said...

Aw shucks.

Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said...

We'll miss you!

- The other member of Ed's vast readership